Wednesday, January 19, 2011


yeh yeh, 与你玩了一个 geli geli 摔跤游戏
最后的 我 可是一个胜利者呢!

而 同时的我也知道
我会是 一个胜利者 背后都是一个人的忍让 一个人的容许
所以 我才得到那胜利的宝座 又洋洋得意的自己
而 那一个人就是 --- 你

因为 我知道
要是你是真的 有心要反抗 对抗我的话 
你根本不用费那九牛二虎之力  也不需用那单手压死一只蚂蚁的力气
一下子就可以 把我搞垮了

因为 我心里真的知道
你是担心我 害怕你自己把我给弄痛了 你心疼了 所以 你让着我
谢谢你 Dear~

但是  到了最后 我也知道
因为 你骂我说 我不会充分 不知什么时候该停止的
那么  我很抱歉
真的是 抱歉的说
不要不理人家就好了  \(^ω^\)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


 The day we went for lunch together

炒 粿 条

My wake up face? vs His serious face?

Four angles from Ng Tiong Chuan- my Dear

He was talking while I was taking pics
U all might ignore him as well.. LOL

gonna say Bye Bye to u guys

Started to have our lunch


Sunday, January 9, 2011

little Bro's Birthday 08/01/2010

 The day after the little siblings came back from Ipoh with their parents
Celebrated the Birthday which the Birthday boy asked
and then
We all celebrated with him
Not a big party but Happy

He doesnt know how to slice

The eldest Bro helped then

He feeds me then ^^


Saturday, January 8, 2011

皮妹- 生日 o6/o1/2o1o

The day was The Birthday of his younger sista
I bought Choco Moist from the baked shop
and they were like this so much
And, we all started to celebrate together
Happy Birthday to you

After celebrating, Webcam show then!